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ago in Geography by (8.5k points)
Enumerate the challenges confronting society regarding the adolescent population. Enlist a few measures to overcome these problems.

1 Answer

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ago by (56.5k points)
Best answer
The share of adolescents (ages 10 -19) is about 20.9 percent of the population. The adolescent population though regarded as the youthful population having high potential, is quite vulnerable if not guided properly.

i. There are many challenges for the society as far as adolescents are concerned such as, marriage at a young age, illiteracy (especially in females), school dropouts, low intake of nutrients, high rate of mortality of adolescent mothers, high rates of HIV/AIDS infections, physical or mental retardedness, drug abuse, alcoholism, juvenile delinquency, and committing crimes.

ii. The government of India has undertaken certain policies to impart proper education to the adolescents so their talents are better channelized and properly utilised.

iii. The National Youth Policy looks into the overall development of our large youth. It stresses on an all-round improvement of the youth and adolescents enabling them to shoulder responsibility towards constructive development of the country.