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ago in Business Studies by (8.5k points)
Give any four points of difference between advertising and personal selling.

1 Answer

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ago by (56.5k points)
Best answer

Following are the differences between advertising and personal selling:

S.No. Advertising Personal Selling 
1.Advertising is an impersonal form of communication Personal selling is a personal form of communication.
2.Advertising involves transmission of standardised messages, i.e., the same message is sent. In personal selling, the sales talk is adjusted keeping view of the customer's background and needs.
3.Advertising is inflexible as the message can’ t be adjusted to the needs of the buyer. Personal selling is highly flexible. as the message can be adjusted.
4.It reaches masses, i.e., a large number of people can be approached.Only a limited number of people can be contacted because of time and cost considerations.
5. In advertising the cost per person reached is very low. The cost per person is quite high in the case of personal selling. 
6.Advertising can cover the market in a short time. Personal selling efforts take a lot of time to cover the entire market. 
7.Advertising makes use of mass media such television, radio, newspaper, and magazines. Personal selling makes use of sales staff, which has limited reach.
8.Advertising lacks direct feedback. Marketing research efforts are needed to judge customers’ reactions to advertisingPersonal selling provides direct and immediate feedback. Sales persons come to know about the customers’ reactions immediately
9.Advertising is more useful in creating and building interest of the consumers in the firm's products. Personal selling plays an important role at the awareness stage of decision making. 
10.Advertising is more useful in marketing to the ultimate consumers who are large in numbers.Personal selling is more useful in selling products to the industrial buyers or to intermediaries such as dealers and retailers who are relatively few in number.
