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ago in English by (8.5k points)
Patol Babu suddenly thought of a crucial question.

'I hope the part calls for some dialogue?'

'Certainly. It's a speaking part. You have acted before, haven't you?'

'Well, as a matter of fact, yes.'

'Fine. I wouldn't have come to you for just a walk-on part. For that we pick people from the street.

Of course there's dialogue and you'll be given your lines as soon as you show up tomorrow.'

I. Why was the question about dialogue "crucial" for Patol Babu?

II. How does Patol Babu's previous acting experience play a role in the casting decision?

III. What does the casting director's statement, ‘I wouldn't have come to you for just a walk-on part,’ reveal about his opinion of Patol Babu's acting skills?

IV. What type of conversation do Patol Babu and the casting director have?

1 Answer

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ago by (56.5k points)
Best answer
I. The question was crucial for Patol Babu because it determined the significance of the role he was being offered /As an experienced actor with a passion for the craft, Patol Babu wanted to ensure that his part was not merely a walk-on role without substance.

II. Prompts a positive response from the person casting him / implies that his experience contributed to his selection for the role /supports the idea that the production values skilled actors for speaking parts

III. Indicates that the casting director respects Patol Babu's acting abilities and considers him suitable for roles with more substance and dialogue / Suggests that the director values Patol Babu's talent and sees him as capable of handling roles that require more than mere presence on set.

IV. Professional level of engagement / business -like