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in Science by (8.5k points)

The image below shows a banana plant which is growing with the help of suckers. These suckers are small plant stem outgrowths which can be separated from the main plant and planted separately and they will grow into a new plant subsequently. 

(i) Give the name and type of reproduction that is shown in the image above.

(ii) List two advantages the farmer will have on using the type of reproduction mentioned above. 

(iii) The above plant produces male flowers. Explain how this plant will be involved in the process of pollination. 

(iv) Why is the offspring of this banana plant not absolutely identical to its parent plant?

1 Answer

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by (56.5k points)
Best answer
(i) Vegetative propagation/ asexual reproduction.

(ii) More crops in same time interval, genetically identical, flower fruit faster, no need to depend on pollinators.

(iii) Cross pollination, the pollen from anther will be transferred the stigma of another banana plant using agents like wind, water, or insects etc.

(iv)There would be minor changes/some variation during the process of copying of the DNA.