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in Science by (8.5k points)

The above circuit is a part of an electrical device. Use the information given in the question to calculate the following. 

(i) Potential Difference across R2. 

(ii) Value of the resistance R2. 

(iii) Value of resistance R1

1 Answer

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by (56.5k points)
Best answer

(i) p.d. across 4 Ω resistor = p.d. Across R2 as both are in parallel. 

1.5 (A) × 4 (Ω) = 6 V 

(ii) Total Current through 4 Ω and R2 = 2.0 A (given)

Current through 4 Ω = 1.5 A (given) 

Hence current through R2 = 2-1.5= 0.5 A 

Using Ohm’s law for R2 we get 

6 V= 0.5 A x R

Hence R2 = 6/0.5 = 12 Ω 

(iii) p.d. across R1 = Total p.d. - (p.d. across R2) - (p.d. across 2.0 Ω)

p.d. across 2.0 Ω = 2x2 = 4 V 

p.d. across R2 = 6 V (calculated before) 

Hence p.d. across R1 = 12 − 6 − 4 = 2V 

Current through R1 = 2A 

Using Ohm’s Law, 

we get R1 = 2V/2A = 1Ω 
